Wednesday 19 September 2012

Harker gave me one hell of a fright!

Had to rush Harker to the vets this evening as I found her in the afternoon very limp and weak. Got an appointment for 6pm, and spent the next few hours keeping her warm,  offering her honey water and runny porridge. She had perked up considerably by the time we ended up at the vet, she even jumped back on me off the table twice. The vet listened to her heart and lungs and couldn't find anything wrong with her, he thinks she had a seizure. I need to keep an eye on her and we can discuss medication if it happens again. She has pottered about, eaten and drank but she still isn't 100% herself....hoping she feels much better by tomorrow. It is a relief that her nose is pink again, earlier it was white!

I need to think what to do now cage wise, if she has fitted it may not be a one off and reading the rat health guide it suggests giving a one storey cage. So I am thinking of making the critter cage from a two into a one and fitting it so she can't hurt herself should she fit again (I'm hoping she doesn't)

Wednesday and Rorschach seem also to be getting grief in the explorer so I'm thinking they will be Harkers company. Poor Wednesday got a cut near her eye earlier, it was lucky not to hurt the eye! They are with her at the moment to help keep her warm, and hopefully keep her spirits up, she is very sociable.

Another solution might be to half the explorer again and make one half really safe....I'm not sure though because splitting the group would be quite tricky on who would go in one half. Plus I really like it being a big cage...

Will see how Harker recovers and go from there I think 

1 comment:

  1. Don't make any big changes yet - she may also have simply choked on something while you were gone. That can also leave them limp and lifeless. And then they make a great recovery, and leave you looking like a fool for panicking! ;-)
