Friday 23 March 2012

Fun with shredded paper

I did some shredding last weekend and yesterday decided to give it to the rats. I filled an empty easter egg box with the shredded paper and then hid broken up doggy chocolate drops in there for the girls, and a small box for the boys. I thought that this game would last longer than it did, they certainly seemed to have fun. This tells me that as a good owner I should eat more easter eggs so they can have the boxes. I think I can cope with that.

Also the fruit skewer is working well, both times I used it all the veg on it disapeared. Only problem is I cant seem to take it off the top of the cage.

Finished reading The Scuttling Gourmet, It has given me lots of ideas for the tweaks to my mix that I want to make. I have written memos on pieces of paper and put them in the book, so that I can return to the most pertinant bits quickly. I was going to annotate it but I really couldnt bare to use pen on it. Its also inspired me to be really creative with the food they get each day. The girls food today got put in their bucket with shredded paper on top. I see shredded paper being a great help in hiding things due to its density.

They might get cous cous with salmon oil, garlic and seaweed powder to eat tomorrow...sounds very posh haha

Wednesday 21 March 2012

I think rats might be descended from wolves...

..Judging how they attacked the chicken I gave them earlier. They didn't fight over it, though Oreo tried to pick it up and take it into the top of the explorer...This failed due to the chicken being as big as her.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

My order from rat rations

Been thinking about ordering from this site for a while, and today my order arrived. I got some salmon oil, kelp powder (to go on cous cous with garlic and the salmon oil) ,Hemp seed, a load of millet spray for the rats and the cockatiel and a little metal fruit hanger which is currently hanging in the cage with a wedge of carrot on. Looks like a fun toy for enrichment. I also was suprised with a copy of The Scuttling Gourmet, which I have spent most of the day reading. Lots of information and its helped me have ideas for my mix (and I'm barely halfway through reading it) I can see already that it was worth every penny.

We also got the shopping today so got the rats pumpkin seeds, pearl barley and ryvita. So the new mix I made has allsorts in it, I didnt make a note of everything I used so I must do that next time. I really mixed it into the substrate so they will really have to dig to find everything. At least they wont get bored.

Thursday 15 March 2012

One of those days that is lovely

Today was one. The weather was really nice, we went to the park with Dexter and the warm weather brought out a lot of other dog owners. He ended up playing with a GORGEOUS rottie (who I wanted to bring home with us) and was thorougly tired out. Had a nice free range, after a small gap (we emptied the attic and the landing they freerange on was full, so that all had to be moved.)
They were happy to be out again, so happy that they wee'd on me and nipped my toes. I will have to remember to wear slippers tomorrow XD

But all in all today was lovely...I'm such a pessimist that I expect bad luck round the corner :( lol

Monday 12 March 2012

More tinkering with the explorer

I'm actually just about happy with it. The pics I managed to get arent great :\ Need to charge my rechargeable batteries and use my proper camera, see if that helps. Got new hammocks from Fuzzbutt and they are their normal quality and wonderful patterns. Got two with flowers, two with pink crosses and two with blue camo. The latter four also have wonderful skull fleece. My mum also made me a few out of old material we had lying around. So now they girls have three hammocks, two fuzzbutt ones (which means they can have matching ones) and a homemade one at the back as its smaller.

Here are some pictures, a bit fuzzy but they are ok.

"this hammock is snuggly :3"

Top half

Top Half

The beloved silent spinner

Pretty Aeon <3

Bottom half

Bottom Half

Bottom Half


Hidey Tube

From the front

Full view    

The only thing I really want now is a critter kebab thing to hang vegetables on, maybe more rope. I need to get back to poundland and the 99p store for dog toys to unravel and more of that willow bridge stuff :3 You really need imagination for setting out a rat cage lol

Friday 9 March 2012


Gave the rats some pilchards in tomato sauce. They went down a treat, with normally shy Luna digging in like a ravenous beast lol.
Now the living room smells of fish...Time to tap a drop....