Tuesday 28 February 2012

Madam Mocha strikes again!

Another drinking bottle ruined -_- I really wish she would pack it in!

Sunday 26 February 2012


Went to the 99p store yesterday for a look around, and found this
Only 99p! 180cm of it!!!

 Makes a fantastic bridge for the explorer! I cut it to fit across the cage , and there was enough left to make a ladder too. I need to go and buy more for when the rats ruin it. I also got them a rope to hang from the ceiling that they can climb up if they see fit.

I also took the big shelves that came with the explorer out. Its really given me much more space the cage is starting to look even better. Should be making more hammocky things for the cage tomorrow, will have to get pics when I'm actually finished , haha, I keep thinking I'm done then I change things about.

I gave the rats some ripped up newspaper to use as bedding, Oreo took a bit upstairs, but most of it Rave stuffed in the jeans hammock-tube.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

New Substrate

Trying out a new substrate (Allbed), I'm liking it so far though I think that it will be used up quicker than the card square bales. The girls only need the dirty corner and the litter tray cleaning out but the boys wee for England :o It hoovers up a dream though , Sooooo much easier than cleaning up card squares :D

Also I have been doing more bonding with Oreo, she bruxes her head off for me. And there have been no more escape attempts from Aeon either lol

I also realised that rats are possibly the only animals that would fill a lovely fleecy hammock with cardboard :\

Tuesday 21 February 2012

I did not expect that...

When feeding the rats earlier, I was more than a little suprised to find Aeon on the top of the cage. I cannot work out how she could of escaped from the cage so all I can think of is that she snook out onto the top when I was feeding them yesterday!!!!!

Jinx used to like to play hide and seek, I'm guessing that Aeon decided to do this too. However I didnt look for her (Due to not knowing I was meant to be playing!!!!lol) She was certainly waiting to go back in when I went over.

Anyway I put her back and shes still in the cage so I'm hoping it was just her slipping out. Poor thing out alone for a whole day :o shall have to keep a really close eye on her in future, make sure she doesnt pull the same stunt again.

One thing did make me laugh though, when I put the light on, I noticed that the lightshade was tilted, she had obviously been exploring in it. Just very glad that she wasn't in there when I put the light on.

I bet shes calling me all names under the sun for not finding her haha

Monday 13 February 2012


My lovely berkie boy died today at the age of 30 months.. RIP