Saturday 28 April 2012

Silver fawns are like buses...

...wait ages for one and three come along at once!

I have wanted a ginger rat for at least three years and now I'm the proud owner of these three gorgeous girls.

No names yet, I have lots of ideas, need to see what sticks. I have been planning these babies since I went on the list in December. Had a nice day out to Doncaster to see Sheena at Bogmyrtle, a natter and got to see the babies mum, who is a stunning rat, I wanted to bring her home too haha.

I just wish Mocha was still here she would of loved them, it added saddness to picking them up, losing her the day before :(  Cant wait to see what Pink, Aeon and Luna think of them :)

Friday 27 April 2012

RIP Mocha

Really had enough of these RIP posts, done far too many of them recently. Mocha wasnt even a year old. Now shes gone. Gutted.
She started with a fast growing lump that turned out to be an abcess, then got one in her mouth and her head swelled up and she would just scream if I touched her. Shes not in pain now at least...

Tuesday 10 April 2012

RIP Rave

Found my little old rexy lady had died this morning. I was expecting it has she has slowed down a fair bit recently, however it is no less sad. She had nearly two and a half lovely years here and she will be remembered fondly.
Rave was called so as I always said that "her whiskers look like they are having a party"
She was my first rex, who came to me while I was away visiting a friend. I had not long since lost Diablo, and we ended up visiting a friend of my friends just to look....I ended up coming out with Rave and her sister,Diva...oops lol

She will be missed by the remaining four girls, Pink especially.

Rave, stuffing the denim tube full of card squares

Monday 9 April 2012

Come dine with me (rat edition)

This is the creation I gave the rats this morning. Last night I decided to give them prawns, and as I knew we were having stir fry for tea, I decided to give them a bit of the stir fry mix. I added curly kale,broccoli and grated carrot so there was more. It went down a storm! I shall definately be making it again, might add peas and sweetcorn next time, providing we have some lol. Got the inspiration from The Scuttling Gourmet. There are a few more recipes I want to make, especially pizza swirls, they sound delicious and its all human grade ingredients. So I can have one..just for testing purpose obviously.....

Tuesday 3 April 2012

RIP Oreo

Cant believe I am writing this... My poor little Oreo had to be pts today :(  Zymbals gland tumour.
Doesnt seem all that long I have had her, she wasn't old either :(
Just doesn't seem fair, she had settled and was loving life with cagemates. I promised her a good home..I know that there was nothing I could of done about it, and that it wasn't my fault but still feel crappy :(

Some pics to remember her by, of her bonding back with others again after being alone

I hope she was happy while she was here

Other news of today (that I was excited about until the bad news) My harrisons banana brunch arrived so I was able to make my new mix. Hoping they will like it, there is tonnes in it to keep them occupied and for variety. Some of the bits are quite small, I hope they can still find them all (I scatter feed)
Another good thing I found with the BB was that it has Vitamin D3 added. When reading up about the food I was led to believe that it doesnt contain Vitamin D so I have been wracking my brain and googling like crazy to make sure they do not end up defieciant. So I can breathe a sigh of relief with that :D