Friday 30 December 2011

WOW long time!

It has been SO long since I have updated this much for keeping a regular blog...Must try harder..maybe that could be a new year resolution lol

So a lot has changed since I last updated had a lot of losses

Percy,Wade,Ninja,Rogue,Eden,Jinx,Harley, Asbo + Felix

So a lot of sadness, Plus Trouble will be leaving me shortly. He has a large lump on his neck that is starting to become a nuisance to him. I will be sad to see him go, he has been with me since he was born two and a half years ago. He has had a lovely life though <3

Aswell as sad losses there are a few new faces

I got the chance to take on Atari's 2 Nephews and Niece. All hairless, a top eared black eyed male , the spit of Atari actually called Atticus...A dumbo with black eyes and a kink in his tail, Pilot..and a pink eyed doe...Pink....Princess Pinkie Pie to give her her full title..which became Princess Pinkie "pirate" Pie when she, like Atari had to have an eye removed after it ruptured...less than a week after Atticus lost one of his..he really is a mirror image of Atari now.

Pink also was a doe I wasnt going to get...I had decided that I was going to stick to bucks but since have done a 180 and changed my mind and now its does all the way. Well in a few years I may run two groups again but for now I just want to have one group to clean out etc

This in mind, I got three new girls to join my pair that were left , to make them a group again
Mocha- gorgeous little Mink berkshire top ear. A bit flighty, but bruxes loads for me when she comes out
Luna- tiny seal point siamese hooded. Dumbo but small ears lol. Sister to Aeon and owner of very cute little pink nose
Aeon- Looks white with ruby eyes, think she may be a siamese roan... has a tiny bit of darkening on the outside of her ears.

Thats it for rat updates. But cant leave without a Dexter update
Dexter is now 15months old, and is still as cheeky as ever. Would sell his soul for food which makes training with treats simple, but he isnt keen if he thinks that there is nothing in it for him. Pretty certain there is beagle in there which explains his major stubborness. He loved christmas , he was spoilt rotten

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