Tuesday 21 February 2012

I did not expect that...

When feeding the rats earlier, I was more than a little suprised to find Aeon on the top of the cage. I cannot work out how she could of escaped from the cage so all I can think of is that she snook out onto the top when I was feeding them yesterday!!!!!

Jinx used to like to play hide and seek, I'm guessing that Aeon decided to do this too. However I didnt look for her (Due to not knowing I was meant to be playing!!!!lol) She was certainly waiting to go back in when I went over.

Anyway I put her back and shes still in the cage so I'm hoping it was just her slipping out. Poor thing out alone for a whole day :o shall have to keep a really close eye on her in future, make sure she doesnt pull the same stunt again.

One thing did make me laugh though, when I put the light on, I noticed that the lightshade was tilted, she had obviously been exploring in it. Just very glad that she wasn't in there when I put the light on.

I bet shes calling me all names under the sun for not finding her haha