Tuesday 3 April 2012

RIP Oreo

Cant believe I am writing this... My poor little Oreo had to be pts today :(  Zymbals gland tumour.
Doesnt seem all that long I have had her, she wasn't old either :(
Just doesn't seem fair, she had settled and was loving life with cagemates. I promised her a good home..I know that there was nothing I could of done about it, and that it wasn't my fault but still feel crappy :(

Some pics to remember her by, of her bonding back with others again after being alone

I hope she was happy while she was here

Other news of today (that I was excited about until the bad news) My harrisons banana brunch arrived so I was able to make my new mix. Hoping they will like it, there is tonnes in it to keep them occupied and for variety. Some of the bits are quite small, I hope they can still find them all (I scatter feed)
Another good thing I found with the BB was that it has Vitamin D3 added. When reading up about the food I was led to believe that it doesnt contain Vitamin D so I have been wracking my brain and googling like crazy to make sure they do not end up defieciant. So I can breathe a sigh of relief with that :D


  1. I'm so sorry, it's never an easy choice to PTS. :-(

    1. Thank you...it never is easy but you have to do the best thing for them

  2. SO sorry to read about Oreo. ZGTs are HORRIBLE and I hate them. :-(
