Saturday 15 January 2011

Changing Rooms

Decided today that Asbo can move in with Trouble and co...Hes unlikely to try bullying them as they are bigger. Unsure about Taz, things might settle down with Asbo in there. I am also going to move them into the top of the explorer as theres more of them than the girls now, so the girls can have the other cage. Im crossing my fingers that everyone will be a lot happier in these groups. I tried Taz and Ninja in the other group but Dylan , uncharacteristically had a go at them both , so i think he has claimed the new alpha position. I should of guessed he would do it really as none of the others i see as an alpha.

I did more training with Atari and i THINK he might just be getting it. He was coming over for the treat but i dont know if its the click he is associating. I see this taking a while.


  1. Of course, Atari is probably congratulating himself on how well he's managed to train YOU!

    Gabby x

    PS - Any way you could have your comments verified by Name/URL as that's a better way for me to comment on blogs :( It's usually a blogger option, let me know if you have trouble with it.

  2. I have no doubt he thinks he is the trainer lol.
    Looking into that suggestion , im not entirely sure how to do it though so bare with me :)
