Friday 7 January 2011

I think im going mad!

Got the results today. Caseys kidneys and liver are working well which for his age is pretty good i think. His urine test confirmed there was blood in his urine though with the colour of it , it was obvious. He also has slight crystals in his urine. The vet seems to think that it is his prostate thats causing the urination problems and we need to see if the antibiotics work. If they work , we will be working out a long term plan. If not then really the kindest thing is euthanasia. I am kinda confused , i cant seem to process whether i am worried or not, i was earlier but the information just isn't sinking in, i had to get my mum to repeat it like three times.
I'm not sure if its wishful thinking but he had a big wee earlier which didn't seem like it was giving him trouble so maybe i will get him for a while longer yet. It was on the landing carpet unfortunately but when i was cleaning it up it looked normal colour too so i guess thats some hope (sorry for all the details, after being wee'd and poo'ed on by majority of the pets i have owned and dealing with op sites and abcesses im not really squeamish about body functions lol)
I'm sure we will need to change diet or treats with the crystals.I will have to ask on wednesday when we take him back. I will be keeping my fingers crossed anyway but im aware that this is something that will probably get worse over time.

So that my blog isn't all doom and gloom i will share a story about cheeky Atari.
This is him
This picture only begins to show how naughty he is. But people love him. My mum was giving him a tiny amount of cream earlier on her finger. Being a rat, Atari tried to grab the food to take away and eat. Cue a big yell from my mother. He didn't bite too hard , there was no blood, but having a rat mistake your finger for food makes you jump the first time at least. I remember Indy was notorious for it, many a time she would be hanging off my finger when i was feeding them. Atari does have his good side though, he is especially fond of sitting on my shoulder (right one normally) and bruxing. He stays still longer if i have my hoodie on as its snuggly. He is definatly a heart rat <3

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