Thursday 6 January 2011

More bad news

My dog had to be taken to the vets today. He was straining to urinate early this afternoon and then i noticed blood on his blanket and confirmed that it was coming from his penis. He was also acting off and had to be dragged out of bed with his harness on normally he is jumping around at the sight of it.
Over the years he has been with me he has only needed to see a vet on a handful of occasions, he has ailed very little throughout his 14 and a half years.
During his check up he was found to have a heart murmur and an enlarged prostate. He has had blood taking and we managed to get enough urine to have tested too, we dont find out the results until tomorrow. I am on complete tenterhooks. There is the possiblilty that it could be something nasty with his prostate and I'm concerned what his liver and kidney function is going to come back like. I dont see me sleeping much tonight at all.
Even though he whinged quite a bit at having to sit still he was a brave boy enduring his blood being taken and a thermometer and a couple of fingers where the sun don't shine. And he was quite happy to be given treats by the vet nurse. He has tablets to hopefully clear up his wee problem, really hope its just an infection.
I am really expecting the worse, and of course theres going to be very hard choices to be mad...

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