Tuesday 17 January 2012

My dog is an evil genius

Dexter was asking to be let out , so I took him downstairs to go into the garden. To get to the back door you have to go through the garage so I opened the garage door , he normally runs straight through. But the second I opened the door he turned around and ran back up the stairs and stole and ate the wrapper from my bun! He knew I wouldnt be able to stop him if he lured me downstairs first

I cant believe I was tricked by a dog!


  1. Replies
    1. When he wants to be...when it comes to asking him to do things, he very much acts dumb then haha

  2. Doggy has brains! B-)

    I found your blog on FRF, it looks great. It didn't even occur to me to look for rat blogs...

    1. Thank you :D yes there doesnt seem to be too many about , or if there is i cannot find them lol
