Thursday 12 January 2012

We have lift off!

On my cage filling project anyway! The sputnik arrived today, I have wanted one for ages! Finally got one, a lovely pale pink :D Though I was torn on what colour to get, there is pink with a purple top, purple with a pink top, black with grey, grey with black, blue with white, white with blue, green and yellow and light pink. Not sure why there is only one sputnik that is all one colour.

I also saw a black and red but they didn't have it on the site I ordered from (got some other things too) and it was nearly two pounds more expensive. I toyed with the idea of getting a black and grey and a grey and black and making a full black one from it. I think they should make more solid coloured ones , such as hot pink, black and purple. I would buy those. Or make it so you can buy a top and bottom separately, mix and match. Black with pink or purple would look good, as would black and white, yellow and pink, purple and green....Someone should organise a sputnik swap shop.

Anyway I digress, my Sputnik is a lovely pale pink. You can choose whether to stand them up or flip them over and attach them to the ceiling. I put mine on the ceiling as there was a space to fill. The girls have had a look in it, someone has even nibbled it! I hope they don't ruin it! I tried to get a picture of Aeon sat in it earlier but when I went over to the cage she climbed out for a fuss. Better luck next time. I have put it quite near the shelf so that they can get in and out easily, I'm thinking of perhaps moving it so it is further away and putting an extra hammock near it so that they can use that. Will see how they get on with it.

Its here :D

In the cage...notice the tiny nibble in the middle of the entrance!

As well as the Sputnik, I ordered more Tap A Drop, so I can keep my living room smelling all citrusy ^_^

I also got them some hemp seeds, which they had today and enjoyed. I gave them as treats, as they have had quite enough yoggies this week. The giving yoggies seems to have worked as they will mostly run down to see me if I open the bottom door. Except Mocha today she decided hemp seeds weren't enough motivation to get out of bed. They also tried pepper today which had a mixed response. Yellow pepper was taken quicker than the red pepper but it all seems to nearly have gone so I think they like it :D

Hopefully the rest of my cage decorating things arrive tomorrow, plus I might plan some more hammocks. My mum said she will make me some, she is brilliant with a sewing machine, whereas I would likely sew my fingers together haha. I normally buy my hammocks but the rats goodies budget is well and truly blown for a few months at least. I only really need a few spares anyway.

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